Sunday, April 13, 2008

Think Green

Think Green Using Hexacomb doing Hexapack.
What Is Hexapack ?
The name Hexapack came from
Hexacomb which is Honeycomb as we all know is a light material made from Paper and it is Recyclable and most important Light and strong Material.
Hexapack Idea is the replacement for Cratingin 80% of the time unless the item is over 300 lb you do not need to Crate it our idea is been working for years by custom making 6 PC Liner of Honeycomb top and Bottom and 4 Walls around so the item is caged in so well that the box can handle the pressure and the shipping part like a wood crate except it is lighter for Shipping and it is not a problem for the receiver to open it up.
Applications :
Desktop hardrives
Flat screen and tube TVs
Electronic projectors
Stereo equipment
Medical instrumentation
Home appliances and fixtures

Hexacomb Honeycomb
Cushion-comb material is a paper-based, custom cushioning option that is completely recyclable with standard disposal methods.

Cushion-comb material is completely recyclable with standard disposal methods
Suitable replacement of Molded EPS and PE foam
Repeatable cushion curves allow for consistent protection .

Hexacomb Pallets
A lightweight and environmentally friendly alternative to wood or plastic, these pallets deliver a full load of unique benefits.

Capable of handling loads up to 2,500 lbs
Lightweight – saves on
shipping costs
Custom designed – Contact your Hexacomb representative at 714-777-9400
Safe – easy to handle compared to wood, no nails or splinters or strain
Recyclable – 100% paper* eliminates cost of pallet exchange
Eliminates import restrictions on wood.
Hexacomb is avialable in sheets standard sizes and custom sizes.
Thank YouTalal sannah
Ph : 714-777-9400
Fx : 714-777-9408

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